10 Oct 2024


1 Nov 2024


BODILY SITUATIONS, 10.12. – 10.12.2022

Élie Autin, Raffaela Boss, Héloïse Chassepot, Catol Teixeira Proposed by Selma Meuli

Sa, 10.12.2022
19:00 - 22:00

Héloïse Chassepot
Becoming an apple, 2022
Performance (20 min)

Catol Teixeira
Notes on Licking, KRONE COURONNE, 2022
Performance (30 min)

Élie Autin
Alecto, 2022
Performance (20 min)

Raffaela Boss
moving patterns II, 2021
Video installation (30 min)

(programme in order of appearance)

The body provides us with a perspective: the body is ‘here’ as a point from which we begin, and from which the world unfolds, as being both more and less over there. The ‘here’ of the body does not simply refer to the body, but to ‘where’ the body dwells. The ‘here’ of bodily dwelling is thus what takes the body outside of itself, as it is affected and shaped by its surroundings: the skin that seems to contain the body is also where the atmosphere creates an impression.” – Sarah Ahmed, 2006

Bodily Situations is a performance programme in four acts. With contributions by Élie Autin (1997, FR), Raffaela Boss (1996, CH), Héloïse Chassepot (1995, FR) and Catol Teixeira (1993, BR) - artists coming from various artistic disciplines such as performance, dance, installation and sculpture - the programme articulates in an organic and critical way to the topic of the body and its perception, positioning and unfolding in space.

As feminist scholar Sarah Ahmed notes in her book Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others (2006), it is the body that gives access to the world. The body is both the starting point for experiencing the environment and its intersection with our own subjectivity – our own orientation in the world. How do different artistic approaches incorporate the experience and orientation of the body in space and how are these translated into a performative moment? What are the potentials and limitations of a particular art form in reflecting and critically negotiating the physical and social space in which a body is positioned?

Bodily Situations formulates a spectrum of possible relationships between body and space, turning KRONE COURONNE into a place of bodily experience.

Photos: © Lisa Mazenauer