SORRY FOR MY LATE REPLY, 14.10. – 22.10.2022
Fr, 14.10.2022, 18:00
20:00 Live set Biofs Consp
21:30 Dj Toldya Boy
Sa, 22.10.2022, 16:00-01:00
20:00 Live set Aetta Natta
21:30 Karaoke organised by Paloma Covantes + Alicia Li Heiniger
As part of La Nuit des 1000 Questions
SORRY FOR MY LATE REPLY is an attempt to organise and alleviate random fears.
It’s an essay about jetlag and its impact on relationships.
Daytime versus night time.
It’s about putting things off, about parties, and what stays.
The exhibition shows a new series of works inspired by Mandine Knoepfel’s earlier work, as a repetition and a way to keep ties with the past. Guest artists are invited to communicate with the space; to keep in touch in a physical way through live performances, drawings, emails and karaoke sessions.